garden sacks

I ordered these very special garden sacks from a company in Kenya for the Teen MOPS group in Uganda.  Well, it turned out that we were the first online customer they have had.  And although the website says they ship, they don't ship out of the country.  So Sylvia made the 16 hour round trip bus journey with a counselor from the church.  And they picked up the 30 garden sacks.  10 will be used in the test garden at her home.  20 will go on the church site.  They are supposed to hold 100 plants each.  So theoretically we will have 3000 plants.  They have been working on very large compost piles since the spring.  Maybe 6 months?  And tomorrow the first bags will be built.  This may not be exciting to you because you can go to your local store and buy vegetables.  There is food for sale in Kampala too...but no money to buy it.  Most of our MOPS moms & kids live on one meal a day.  Often that meal is like oatmeal.  Food is a big deal!  And we are so excited the gardens will start to be built.  It took a long trip to Kenya to get the bags.  They were stopped by scary men with guns.  They had to travel by bike taxi for 30 minutes into Kenya and carry heavy boxes.  But they carry the bags that will hold the plants that will feed many people.   I am so excited!!! And Sylvia is amazing!  She is a real hero!
