Day 25 What I love about you...

Truth-tell someone 5 things you love most about them and hug them longer than comfortable.

Dare- sit down with the oldest person you know and ask for their life story.  Tell them to start from the beginning.
Dear Friend- (The name is removed)
You love Internationals.  You love people from many cultures.  I share your heart and I love that about you.

You are a drama queen.  I’ve seen you perform in a musical.  You sang and danced.  There is a creative streak in you.  I love that.
You have a heart after God.  I know you pray.  I know you really want to know him. 
You are a dreamer.  And you dream big.  Sometimes I think you are years ahead of where others are.  You maybe need to learn to cultivate what you want. Wait to bring others along with you.  But dreaming is good.
You cross the T’s and dot the I’s.  And someone needs to.  That is not my strength.  
