Meet Nanyunja Teddy

At the age of 14, after losing both my parents, I left my village about 180 km away from Kampala.There was no hope for me to survive so I decided to go to the City Center to find a job. My sister who lives in Kampala got me a job in someone's home as a house girl. I was paid $9 a month and still, the money was given to my elder sister. I never took it personally since she was struggling with paying rent. Her paycheck was the same as mine so we could add it together and cover the rent fee. I faced lots of challenges as a house girl in this home. The brother to my boss raped me. I decided to leave the home where I was working without any notice to the wife of my boss. Later a friend of mine got me another job as a house girl. I was tired and met a man who is my partner now. I got pregnant with my first daughter who passed away right after birth. Later I got pregnant again. In 2016 around June I found out that I was HIV-positive when I was pregnant with my third child. I am now on medication as well as my partner. I am always grateful to GOD that my children are not infected. However, I usually find it hard to buy the medicine. Last year a friend of mine helped me get some free drugs but we usually don't get them on time but we're surviving. Now My partner doesn't have a stable job he does Motorcycle transportation for his boss...Sometimes I wish the motorcycle was his... I was creative and started up a small business of selling Jackfruit and tea to people in the community. Jackfruit is seasonal and when its rainy people don't eat Jackfruit. We survive on one meal a day. We usually eat late in the evening such that we don't get hungry at night At dinner, we take tea or porridge. I thank GOD for Mops. All my life I wanted to learn a skill in tailoring so bad. I was so glad that I was among the beneficiaries of the skill program in tailoring. I hope when I am fully done learning the skills, I hope to turn it into a business to help me get the home necessities, buy my HIV medication as well as helping me find some money for my children's school fees. I also wish to help other young women who're going through the same struggles I have passed through by teaching them a skill that I have learned in Mops. The love I never felt in my life. I feel it every time I come to Mops meetings. Mops make me feel loved! Thank you!
