My name is Kyalimpa Prossy, Am 17 years old

My name is Kyalimpa Prossy, Am 17 years old I was born in a family of 7 children.  My two brothers died because they were born with HIV and AIDS.  God helped me.   I was not infected when I was born. I stopped school in the first grade because there were no school fees to continue. When I was only 15 years old, my friend brought me to the city and I got a job at a local bar as a bar attendant.  I was paid $1 a night.  I would go to work at 3:00 pm until 6:00 am. On that money, I would contribute towards rent. One day I was going back home at 3:30 am in the morning.   I fell in a gang of men and  I was raped. I got pregnant right then and  I don't know the father of my son. I wanted to do abortion but it was too expensive.  I left the job, gave birth to my son.  I currently make snacks and sell them on the street.  I am able to earn $3 on a good day and on the bad day less than $1.  On that, I pay rent and food because we eat one meal a day.  My child has not yet started school.  I  am worried that where I work the salary that I earn can barely take care of our needs.  I wish to learn hairdressing because I believe I can earn a living out of this.  I could take my child to school and help my other friends. I love our group because it allows us to express our feelings freely. I am now 17 years old and my son is 2 1/2 years old. 
