My name is Patricia. I am 17 years old and, my baby’s name is Ethan. I stay with my Dad and 4 sisters and 1 brother. My dad is a local police officer. Sadly he is an alcoholic. My mother passed away on the 27 October 2014. My home village is in Ngora district in Eastern Uganda. I and my big sister work and pay for the house we live in. My sister is 20 years old and she is a bar attendant. She works all night. During the day she is sleeping. I make money washing people's clothes.
Each big load is a $1. To finish a load it takes a day.These days I don't work because I was operated when I had Ethan so my sister does everything. I thank GOD the baby came abruptly and I never aborted the way most of the girls of my age do. Thank God for MOPS speaking into my life. I am strong now. My goal is to learn to tailor (Fashion and design). Please pray for me because I’m still healing. Pray for my baby Ethan. He has a cold. I don't know what to do. Right now I can't bend down to do Landry for people so I don't have money to take him to the hospital. His clothes are becoming small for him.
Note- she is not in our tailoring program yet. We would need to find more money to help pay her costs. The money is not there. But we hope more people will help sponsor our women.
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