Sylivia wrote "we went with Olive to the hospital and they referred her to Lubaga hospital. The first hospital to see the doctor...Cleaning, dressing, drip, tetanus vaccine antibiotics transport to and from the hospital all the cost was $100... It started raining... We left her in the doctor's hands...Junior is at the neighbor's house.Tomorrow we're talking to a mom in our group to be with Junior for a while as Olive recovers. I'm sending her money for the hospital and 60 Euros to cover her bills.
She works in a cafe and makes between 1 and 2 dollars a day, I thought she would be worried about the food and rent. Sylivia wrote "She is indeed worried...Because the day she works is the day she is paid." Working with Sylivia is an education on poverty. Everything we take for granted (electricity, health care, sick time, food, water, justice) they do not have it. And if you suffer a burn you can die from an infection. And there isn't even a car to drive you to the hospital. There is a pay pal link on the side of this blog if you want to help meet this need. It will cost about 160 dollars. That is basically 5 months wages for Olive. Thank you for your help.
She works in a cafe and makes between 1 and 2 dollars a day, I thought she would be worried about the food and rent. Sylivia wrote "She is indeed worried...Because the day she works is the day she is paid." Working with Sylivia is an education on poverty. Everything we take for granted (electricity, health care, sick time, food, water, justice) they do not have it. And if you suffer a burn you can die from an infection. And there isn't even a car to drive you to the hospital. There is a pay pal link on the side of this blog if you want to help meet this need. It will cost about 160 dollars. That is basically 5 months wages for Olive. Thank you for your help.

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