A new baby

Masitula Nanyombi is 15 years old.  She gave birth to a healthy baby girl.  She lives with her grandmother.  She needs baby cloths.  We have the address to the group here.  If you want to send baby cloths, or fabric to be used for the sanitary pad project we could use these things right now.  DHL is the best way to send stuff.  The group needs old bath towels and cotton sheets and flannel to use for the sanitary pads.  But please do not send more than 45 dollars’ worth of anything.  They will have to pay taxes they cannot afford.  I can give you a phone number and a list of other needs if you leave a comment. 

+++Do not send sanitary items. Please only send fabric for our women to sew sanitary pads. The goal is that they learn a skill. The skill will meet a need. If you send sanitary items it meets a need but it cheats our women of a skill and a job.
