Yesterday the moms in teen MOPS Kampala got an early Christmas present. We bought them two semi-industrial sewing machines. They can now continue to finish the 1800 sanitary pads for the school girls. We sadly do not have the funds to buy more machines or pay the salary of a sewing teacher. We are waiting on the support we pray will eventually come. But the women have kept busy building gardens and hand sewing pads. And we are so grateful for everyone who has prayed and given. Hope is alive in Kampala. So much more needs to be done, but we celebrate the progress we see. We thank God for such great days!
Sylvia Nantango wrote this...
The largest population in Uganda is 18 to 25 years, education is not free at any level...and I believe through MOPS in relationship to Jesus this cycle of extreme poverty is soon to be broken. And I totally agree with this proverb "You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime". (Chinese Proverb).... How? Please pray for teen moms in Teen MOPS ministry, their children, Adopt a teen mom in Teen MOPS ministry for two years by contributing $60 a month or two families adopting a teen mom each contributing $30 a month towards her learning a skill in order to break the cycle of extreme poverty....This is what happens if you adopt a teen mom in Teen MOPS group she will be able to learn a skill, be able to support herself, take her child in a good school, afford good medical care for her family... And her entire generation will be bright. Join us in praying for more sewing machines... the goal is to at least have 6 semi-industrial sewing machines (we now have 2 machines. A machine cost $300). One more thing....Tell your friends and those that think Poor people deserve a better life about us. When women come together incredible things happen! Thank you so much!
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