Emmanuel is Sylvia's husband. He has a large farm. He is clearing 8 acres of land and digging fence posts to fence in the land. We are getting ready to buy the cows. So far we have donations for 5 cows. We honestly want 20 cows. With the revenue of 20 cows, our entire education program can be funded. And as long as Emmanuel takes good care of these cows and keeps breeding them, the group will be self-sustaining. He is a veterinarian and a farmer. Suubi will pay him a management fee to care for our cows. But even with this management fee, the group can afford to pay for 20 teen moms (every 2 years) to receive vocational training. It will take 2 years for the cows to get to this point of producing milk. But we are excited because the fields are being prepared. We are getting ready to move the soap workshop. The landlady refuses to fix the water pipes. The pipes were broken about 6 weeks ago. And we think she thinks we can not afford to move, so she does not have to fix the pipes. But you need water to make soap. And you need water to clean up after you make soap. Our women have had to buy water these past weeks. It is a pain. And now we are ready to get a certificate of quality an safety for the soap. Without this certificate, the soap cannot be sold in stores and salons. Without this certificate, the soap cannot be shipped out of Africa. And the people that process this certificate inspect the workshop. And we can not get a certificate of quality without water. So we must move the workshop. It is frustrating (understatement). But it is just another bump in a really bad road. And why even waste your time worrying about dishonest landladies? God bless her...we are moving as soon as we find a new location. I pray the next location is even nicer, that the landlady is honest and supportive, and we can get that certificate of quality and safety soon.
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