the oldest child is Hadija. She has a regular sponsor now |
this is Helen. She now has a regular sponsor |
This is Jr. he has a regular sponsor |
One of the things that struck our missions team was the number of older kids associated with the group, not in school. Most are children of the mothers now working in our soap workshop. They help make soap and sell it door to door for a commission. We can only afford commission and 2 meals a day. But that has been a blessing for them. Last week I interviewed a few of these women. They have been abused, treated as slaves, and cannot read or write. They dream their own children could attend school. So one of our hopes was to make this dream a reality. But how? I am already stretched very tight financially. I personally can not add an additional financial obligation. But I prayed. And I remember what I taught the group just a few days ago. You must believe God is good. We have a good father. We must come to him with our needs. And so I remembered this truth...and I just posted the need on Facebook. We needed scholarships for 11 older kids. Two are 12 and 14-year old girls. Their dad had been paying school fees. But he died last month. Without help, they were looking at the end of their studies. Both do well in school. The oldest, Helen dreams of being an environmental scientist. My mom was an environmental scientist. Anyway...
people responded. People have been generous and we have enough to pay tuition for all 11 kids. I already sent the funds to Uganda by Western Union. We still need funds for books and uniforms. But God is good. He will provide it. I am 100% sure of this. And they have told a few of these mothers. There were tears of joy and such a great relief. You can not leave poverty behind without education. Our long-term goal is to educate the moms. To give them the skills to pay for their children's tuition. We are headed in this direction. But we are celebrating the miracle of 11 school scholarships. 11 children who will begin a journey towards a different future. Please pray for our women. There is political uneasiness in the country. Pray for peace and the protection of our women and their families. Thank you!
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