It is 4am and I am up. My bags are packed and I am ready to return to Germany. I never really got over this jetlag. I am sure I looked like a zombie all week long. I am 100% sure I felt like one. I’m not sure it was tired you get from jumping many time zones. It is more the tired you feel when you need to process stuff. Uganda is what needs to be processed. And when I return home I will be doing that work.
Here at MOMcon (Mothers of preschoolers big yearly conference), I was here as an advocated for teen MOPS in Kampala Uganda. I want to assure you I did not travel on the money you send for the group. I came on my own dime (ssssssss).
I came to do a small talk on poverty and how MOPS groups can partner with Global MOPS to help women climb out of poverty. And I know that sounds like a real downer of a topic but I hope my message was one of the most powerful and most hopeful messages here. It is true there are many things we cannot do. Apart from prayer (and prayer is powerful). We cannot generally bring down dictators and end corruption. We cannot stop earthquakes and massive flooding. These things all contribute to poverty. And the World Bank says 50% of the world live on less than 3 Dollars a day. Most of these are women and children. But what we can do is help with food, water, health issues, and most important skills and education. At Teen MOPS in Kampala, we bring hope (Suubi) by focusing on food, water, health, and skills. Our goal is not charity, our goal is empowerment. And there are women all over this world that need people to walk alongside them so they can be raised out of poverty. They cannot do this without partnership.
This was and is my message. I asked many groups to partner with our group by agreeing to sell 300 bars of handmade soap. The profits of this sale would go to help the women in Kampala. I also thought about the next MOMcon. Maybe we could find a sponsor to help us pay the vendor fee so we can have a Global MOPS store in the marketplace. We could sell handmade items from MOPS groups around the world. I also plan to do a skills training workshop in Heidelberg Germany in March of 2019. Women from Africa, India, Eastern Europe and maybe even South America will attend to learn gardening, soap making and other skills that may benefit their women.
I am so tired…but it was a good week. Email us at
Wow lovely