Increasing productivity

coffee soap

 The women in the soap workshop have been busy increasing the production.  They are also testing a few new formulas.  We failed our first test for quality because the soap was not fat enough. That is it was only 69% fat when it needs to be 73% fat.   So we have increased the fat by 6%.  It is called super fatting soap.  And hopefully with this new formula we will get a certificate of quality and permission to sell in stores and hotels. I think they could even ship internationally with this quality certificate.  But shipping costs might  make that restrictive.  I am not sure.  

oatmeal and honey soap

molds lined up ready for use

measuring the oils

We have a MOPS Europe conference next March 29-30.  The conference will be in Heidelberg Germany.  The welcome bag for this conference is being made by the sewing workshop in Kampala.  They are making a really cute shopping bag that folds into a heart.  If you have an event you want bags for, please let me know.  I am sure our women would love to sew for your group.  

fabric for bags


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