So far half the money we need to send 18 of our children in Kampala to school for the spring term has been raised. We still need to raise 900 dollars more for school fees, and about 500 dollars for books and uniforms. I want to thank everyone who has already donated to this need. Your helping to make an impossible dream possible. 100% of your donation will go to meet this need. It cost 100 dollars a term, or 300 dollars a year to send a child to school. Our focus is on educating our teen moms, but we have stepped out in faith to see the kids get an education too. Feel free to share this need. And thank you for considering it. There is a how to give page on our website. And in Germany, your gift is tax deductible.
We paid for the C section of Paula. She had a healthy baby boy on December 31. Paula heads our soap workshop. She will take two months baby leave, paid.
On December 29th the two daughters of one of our women got badly burned in an accident. Their mom was out selling soap. The neighbor was watching them. The neighbor made her living boiling water on a coal fire. She sold the water in small bags for a few cents. I cannot imagine how poor some people are. But it was an honest living. And the pot of water slipped and burnt the two girls. And the neighbor was so afraid of the judgment or consequences, she packed her stuff and ran off in the night. It was an accident. Tragic. And I am sad for her. And Sylvia was very ill. She could not be reached. She was being treated in the hospital, and so were both of her kids. So these burns remained untreated until now. We sent them directly to the hospital for treatment. The infection was bad, but they will recover. There will be scares. Thank God it was only on their legs and not their faces. The past 6 weeks have been a nightmare of medical needs. We really need prayer to be healthy and safe. It also hit our finances very hard. We have had 12 medical emerganceys in the past two months. But thank God everyone is recovering.
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