please pray for Suubi

It is Friday and I ask you to pray for Suubi Teen MOPS. I returned from Uganda one week ago today. So much has happened in this past week. We asked for money to buy sewing machines for our 7 women who graduated from sewing school. And already the money has been raised for the machines. We will ask the women to sew 450 washable sanitary pads to pay for their machines. We give them 6 months to complete this task. Hopefully, by Christmas, we will be able to give washable pads (a 6 pad set) to over 500 students in poor schools. In the meantime, our women will sew to earn money for their food and rent. There was another women in our sewing program. Call her Mara, bitter…She was discouraged and afraid. And she listened to a recruiter who offered her a better life, and a job sewing in Saudi Arabia. So she left Uganda. And we fear for her. She did not tell anyone or we would have stopped her from going. Thousands of young people in Uganda are trafficked to the Middle East every month and are often treated as slaves. Jobs and opportunity are so hard to come by. Please pray she will return safely to Uganda. 
There were many closed doors to child sponsorship this past week.  The good programs said no because they had no space.  One bad program agreed to sponsor our kids but would take 50% of the money for “Administration fees”.  So we are still looking for a child sponsorship program that will give a tax credit to our donors.  Our children need long term sponsorship, but this is not what we set out to do.  Our goal is to educate the moms.  I found the Catholic Relief Services has the highest rating in the world as a charity.  They donate 93% of giving to the need and only use 7% for administration.  We have no idea if they could help us in any way.  But we will be asking them.  And you can pray that it will be a good conversation.  And that we will find the right path, either through the CRS or another credible organization. 
The inspectors who are going to inspect the soap workshop promised to finally come in the next month.  This process has dragged on for nearly two years.  And the soap needs this accreditation.  They also need opportunities to sell soap in more locations.  So please pray for this. 
Sylvia has one more week in her foot cast.  She is having a hard time getting around.  And it is raining a lot there.  The poor in the slums suffer so much when it rains.  Walls fall down, people die.  We always need prayer for safety and health.  Please pray Sylvia’s foot heals totally, and that everyone will remain healthy. 
