It is Friday and time to pray for Suubi Teen MOPS in Kampala. There is a very famous scene from the Charlie Chaplin film "Gold Rush" where they eat a shoe. I'm beginning to feel like we are at that point. We are at a standstill. We had to lay our sewing teacher off because we lack the funding for another class. There are many projects we hoped to begin by now but we are still in a long line waiting for grants. And what is so hard is the corruption. Many organizations have what they call grant brokers. These people pay bribes to officials to expedite the process. We believe corruption destroys the economy. So we refuse to give in to corruption. But the consequences are really harsh. We need grants. Please pray for our funding to come through. We can not continue without funding.
While we wait, we use what we have. For Charlie Chaplin that was a shoe. For us, it is an inventory of soap. One thing we want to do is buy a shop. We need 2500 Euro/3000 USD to buy this shop. So the idea we have is to take what we have to get what we need. This week we began to do soap giveaways in the slums. When a person wants to sponsor a giveaway to honor a friend, or for their own birthday they can give us money. We take bars of soap and give it to the people in the slum who can not afford to buy it. This week we got 150 Euros worth of donations. And so the women went to a school and delivered bars of soap to kids. They enjoyed giving the soap away. They handed out Mosquito repellent soap in an area with a very high rate of malaria. Soap is necessary to prevent sickness, but many poor people can not afford a bar of soap. Please pray many will sign up to sponsor a soap giveaway. , For me, it is important this is successful. I want the women to know they can use their skills to empower them to buy a shop. That what they have...beautiful soap can earn a shop. They do not just dump the soap and run, they hand-deliver each bar that they lovingly made. It is received with joy. And this appreciation is a ministry to our girls. But it is also them working for what they want...not them just having it given to them. There is dignity in this process. But it takes faith to believe enough people will actually sponsor a giveaway. When I look at our situation, I feel like Charlie Chaplin boiling a shoe for thanksgiving. But when I consider how far we have come, I can not help but believe we will continue.
Next week we also go to rural schools to handout the enormous amount of washable sanitary pads sitting in our sewing workshop. Hundreds of girls will have pads and no longer miss 5 days of school each month. Their risk of dropping out of school will decrees just because they will have sanitary pads. Suubi is going to change many lives this week. We feel stressed because we do not know how we can keep going, but we will change lives this week!
Here is the video from Gold Rush-
To learn more about Suubi look at our website. You can donate in the following ways. Email me at if you want a soap giveaway in a clinic, school, in the slum or a rural school. We are trying to raise 2500 Euros/3000 USD to buy a crafts shop to sell our handmade goods. For every dollar/Euro you give we will hand out soap to the poor and use the funds to buy our crafts shop in the craft village.
we take PayPal-…
and Go Fund Me-
and direct Bank Deposit. Hoffnung für Uganda e.V.
DE 14 6001 0070 0966 1517 02
To learn more about Suubi look at our website. You can donate in the following ways. Email me at if you want a soap giveaway in a clinic, school, in the slum or a rural school. We are trying to raise 2500 Euros/3000 USD to buy a crafts shop to sell our handmade goods. For every dollar/Euro you give we will hand out soap to the poor and use the funds to buy our crafts shop in the craft village.
we take PayPal-…
and Go Fund Me-
and direct Bank Deposit. Hoffnung für Uganda e.V.
DE 14 6001 0070 0966 1517 02
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