We thank you for your prayers today


It is Friday and I am asking you to pray for Suubi Teen MOPS in Kampala Uganda.  

We ask for special prayers for Brazil and India as Covid is having such a devastating impact on the people.  

 This past weekend Sylvia drove with another leader 3 hours out of Kampala to teach other MOPS leaders. The women are very hungry to learn.  They are so happy to meet together.  And Sylvia was really excited to be with them.  Building up a community of moms is wonderful.  This was the 2nd weekend away from her kids.  It is nothing she should do every weekend.  But it was an inspiring time for them and for Sylvia.  I am planning on attending MOMcon in Nashville. This is MOPS's big yearly leadership convention.  I would very much like to bring Sylvia this year. She has secured the babysitting for two whole weeks of travel to America.  So now we need to secure the funding and the visa.  It is a time of COVID.  Securing a visa is not an easy thing.  And the trip will cost a few thousand dollars.  I am not asking for your money.  I am asking for your prayer.  We believe our presence at MOMcon could possibly inspire other MOPS leaders to support women across the world to support women who live in poverty.  We hope to equip and inspire.  I was a little upset with Sylvia traveling to all these groups when they did not wear facemasks.  I worry about her health.  This past weekend, they gave out generous amounts of soap to everyone there. The women in the villages are very poor.  They are very hungry to receive spiritual input, but they also need practical input.  Soap was all we could offer.  At some point, it would be good to give them seeds and training in bag gardening. 

This past week a woman from Uganda who owns a shop in America offered to buy 12 of our dolls for basically the price of the materials.  She wants to see if they sell in her shop.  If they do she would order more.  But the offer made me mad.  We can not ask our women to sew dolls without receiving any profit at all.  The women changed the offer to include a small but reasonable profit for our women.  And she also suggested the women sew outfits the dolls could be changed into.  The doll clothes could be sold separately.  Great idea.  So with the money from 12 dolls, 2 of the sewing women are going to sew 12 new dolls, keeping the profit towards their rent.  And I am feeling very good about this.  They also shipped 4 more dolls to America.  The shipping was off the charts expensive because the customer needed them fast.  But DHL delivered them in just 4 days.  It can be done.  We give these dolls the name ANAMI, in Swahili it means peace. Pray for a market to open up for Anami dolls.  They are very special.  The women enjoy sewing them, and they turn out very nicely.  It would be a nice way to earn a living. 

    Katrina Funk and her team raised enough funding to begin work on biogas toilets in a village North of Kampala.  Sylvia's husband Emmanuel and a good friend Godfrey began a CBO in the village.  This is the second stage of the WASH project.  It began with building a well.  So the village has clean water.  Now they will build a block of biogas toilets near the town's farmers market and two schools.  The gas created is clean cooking gas. The school children have to gather wood each day so the cooks can cook their food.  Now they will have clean toilets, and cook with gas.  And the CBO can sell the waste product called slurry as a fertilizer for plants. I congratulate Katrina and her team for the remarkable impact they are having on this village!  It is an impact that will touch generations.  

Brenda's baby boy is very sick with flu. They have him on an IV.  Please pray for his full recovery.  The good news is we sent extra emergency funding so they could actually go to the hospital right away. I have to send the Budget for May this weekend.  We are very short on funds.  Please pray for God's provision.    Teddy also needs prayer.  When she sits at the sewing machine for a long time, she has back pain.  I am sending funds for school tutoring too.  And we still need two sponsors for two kids waiting.  In August we will need one more sponsor for a child who should start kindergarten.  You can read more about our child sponsorship program on our website.  


Here are the 2 boys waiting for school sponsorship.
