Thank God

 It's Friday and I am asking you to pray for Suubi Teen MOPS in Kampala Uganda.

Yesterday was the giant Thanksgiving holiday in America. Thanksgiving is a very big deal to Americans. The entire country stops and has family gatherings. They eat turkey and corn, pumpkin pie, and potatoes. The pilgrims survived on corn and pumpkins, and wild turkey. I guess this is why we have these traditional foods in the meal. There are a few letters from 1621 and about 1641 that describe the harvest feast that took place before the winter set in. "And although it is not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet by the goodness of God, we are so far from want that we often wish you partakers of our plenty." -Edward Winslow 1621
"They began now to gather in the small harvest they had, and to fit up their houses and dwellings against winter, being all well recovered in health and strength and had all things in good plenty."
William Bradford in his History Of Plymouth Plantation
A true Thanksgiving is a time to actually thank God for the plenty you have and to be generous with others. So I wish to thank God for all He has done for us over this year. I have a few things I am very thankful for.
1. Our 42 child sponsorship families. Because of you our kids have received an education. We still need 5 more families to sponsor a child starting in January. School is also due to begin again in person starting in January. Please pray for the school system in Uganda. It is a mess. Teachers have quit the profession, schools went bankrupt and are closed permanently, girls have been made child brides and can never return to school. We also fear a large school fee hike that no one can afford.

2. Food. Suubi is feeding 100 people a day. We thank God for the people who thoughtfully and faithfully remember to send us money for food. Without you, many of these women and children would have nothing to eat. 11 of our Suubi families are relocating to the country. And I know growing food is a high priority to them. They have food now in small amounts...but none has a full stomach. They dream of being full. Perhaps by next November, they can also celebrate a harvest feast.
3. Nearly everyone in the group has had Covid and all have survived. Vaccinations are not widely available in Uganda. But by his grace, they are all young and have managed to come through. The hard lockdowns and harsh measures have taken a toll on the people. Everything opens up in January. Please pray we don't see a devastating increase in cases.

4. The first Lilly Avene store is opening on Monday. Suubi has graduated 20 women from sewing school. These women have been buying used clothes in bundles and renovating and selling the clothes door to door. But starting on Monday the clothes will be sold in a shop that they manage. And 100% of the profits will go to them. They will sell used clothes and take orders for new clothes. We are still searching for a 2nd location. Please pray we find a good location and the 2nd group can also take advantage of the Christmas season.
5. The first building on the Suubi center is nearly finished. it is a kitchen/dining room. It still needs plasterwork and flooring. It will now be used temporarily for the brickmakers to lock the equipment in. And the bricks will probably be made starting next week. Material costs have skyrocketed. Please pray for wisdom and provision so we can finish the project.
This is only a shortlist. We have so much more to thank God for. Just like the early pilgrims we have experienced hard times of just trying to survive. Now we are building a future. And it feels so good to be talking about a future.
Suubi will be giving away soap soon. And they have to pack up the soap workshop and prepare for the move. Thank you for praying for us. We are so glad you are standing with us...that we are not alone. We are so thankful for you.
