Suubi Teen MOPS gave our women Spouts water filters 2 years ago. They made a great impact on our group. Formally we had to pay large medical bills for 6 to 10 cases of Typhoid Fever and another water sickness each year. We have cut that down to one case per year because of the filters. And before our women had to use charcoal and boil water two hours a day. That took time and it was expensive. And we also had a number of cases of burns due to the hot water spilling on people.
These water filters are wonderful but they need to be replaced every two years. For Christmas, we want to give our women a water filter. We need 50 filters. They cost 20 Euros each. In other words, we need 1000 euros. If any of you wish to donate to this need we accept direct bank deposit and PayPal. In Germany, your gift is tax-deductible. I realize everyone has donor fatigue. The needs in the world and perhaps even in your own life are overwhelming. I am spending a lot of time meditating on Matthew chapter 6. Jesus says that God knows what we need before we even ask him. That we should seek him first, and his kingdom first and all the rest will be given to us. We are standing on these words. God is good. I pray for you, that your needs will be met. We need water filters and money for toys. If you wish to help
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