focus on what you can do and don't let fear stop you from investing

 t's Friday and I am asking you to pray for Suubi Teen MOPS in Uganda.

This week Russia invaded Ukraine. So we should pray for peace. We should pray for the rescue of the people, safety, help, provision, and wisdom for everyone who plays a role in this situation. Yesterday I called my mom in America. The first thing she said to me was "you are at war". I had to correct her. I said Russia is at war with Ukraine...Germany is not at war. Russia is not parked with tanks at our border. No bombs are flying over our cities. But if you were to watch the news in the USA you would get that impression. In Matthew 25 Jesus tells a parable about a master who goes to a far-off country. He leaves talents (money)with 3 servants. One servant gets 5 talents, one gets 2 talents and one gets only one talent. Two servants invest what they had and receive praise from their master at his return. But the person who was given only one talent hid what he had...and he was condemned when his master returned. The situation in the world has caused so many to fear. First, it has been years of Covid. it's war in Ukraine. I am convinced we have to focus on what God has placed in our hands. I can pray for the situation in Ukraine (and we should because they literally are at war and need our prayers) but I personally can change nothing. But I can actually change the situation in Uganda. They ran out of water this week. I can pay for a water truck to deliver water. I can pay for food. The goat house fell in a storm. I can pay for it to be rebuilt. We have 10 kids who are in school this term because of the generous donation of a friend. But these 10 kids need permanent sponsorship families. If you agree to sponsor a child's education you are not going to stop the war in Ukraine. ..but you will stop the poverty in this family. Do not let fear stop you from investing in whatever you personally are called to invest in. If you finish reading Matthew 25 you will read about the shepherd separating the sheep from the goats. And he says I was hungry and you fed me I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink....etc. Whatever you did for the least of these you did for me. If you are investing in the poor you are doing the right thing.
We have baby chicks at Suubi center. They are going to have a coop built soon. And we will buy a few hundred chicks. In a few months God willing they will have eggs to eat and sell.
They built gutters this week. But so far they have had no rain. So we need to have a water truck come to fill the tank hopefully for the last time. We need a well.
They started over 500 seedlings this week. And they also transplanted seedlings into the garden sacks.
Today the voting begins on the project for awesome content. Nicole Heymann produced a very good video about Suubi Teen MOPS. People need to go to the website from Friday to Sunday and watch the video and cast a vote for Suubi. If we are among the top 20 groups in this competition we get a share of the prize. Last year groups got 27 000 USD each. I am hoping we can get a share of the prize this year. But I am trying not to think about it. I can only encourage you to go vote and ask your friends and family to also watch the video and vote. The link is here. I am really proud of the work Nicole has done. Win or lose...she has done well. I am very proud of her. If we win this, we will be using the funds to continue to develop the center. But I have to believe that God will provide what we need even if we do not win this competition. It would help...that's true. So please go watch and vote if you are able. Thank you.
