Be Suubi

 It's Friday and I am asking you to pray for Suubi Teen MOPS in Uganda.

In making sense of God, Timothy Keller writes that Christians believe that the world was created beautifully but marked by sin and brokenness. That God transforms the brokenness into beauty. That we reflect the light of our creator like the moon reflects the sun.
This week a 15-year-old named Esther was brought to the Suubi center by the village chief. Her story is one of brokenness. But she was not created broken. God's intent for her is not brokenness. And the baby she now carries is not destiny to poverty. I know this because she has been brought to Suubi.. and Suubi means hope. When Sylvia told me about the situation Juergen and I prayed. And I heard the words of Isaiah 43:1. "I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine". That's a paraphrase. Esther's mother
died. Her father is an alcoholic. She ran away from home. And she was attacked and left pregnant. She doesn't even know who did it. This story is not uncommon in Uganda. It's a broken and impoverished place. But it is a beautiful place too. And Esther will now get food, health care, a safe place to live, a group of people who care for her, and vocational education. God transforms brokenness into beauty. This week I have felt that hope, the reason why we do this. It feels like Christmas, and I said yes to the mother with child. A few of my friends also felt yes. They sent the funds we needed to offer Esther a room, and a new bednet, a new mattress, and a blanket. That might seem simple and small to you. But I don't think she ever had a new bed. She was sleeping on the ground, and hungry. Our women would be without hope if we didn't have support. I thank God for the ones
who chose to give. I realize how things are. The inflation rate, the cost of gas, the fear. I thank everyone who gives us your support in prayer and in money. We are not dealing with lofty and high matters. We are stopping for lost and abandoned teenagers who have children. They are the poorest of the poor. But they are known by God...he has redeemed them, he has called them by their names, and they are his. And so are not be afraid. Whatever you are facing right now. We have the opportunity to reflect the beauty of our Lord. Can I preach to you? I say to you...stop reflecting on the hopelessness of this world. You were not created to reflect were created to remember hope. Be Suubi!
The women are doing amazing things. They have spent most of the year learning about organic gardening. The ginger is thriving. The vegetables are growing.
Now they are focusing on how to make soap. We hope in January to start this group of women sewing. And perhaps bring in a new group to learn agriculture. But we need the funds to do this. We are also hoping to win a grant to build two more classrooms. Please pray we receive the funding. And the Lilly Avenue women will be receiving business training in December. Pray opportunity opens up to them. They work hard but have not managed to succeed yet. Their goals are modest. They just want enough for food and rent. But the economy is so bad. It's hard to keep their heads above water.
Juergen and Nicole are traveling with a team to Uganda. And they need financial support for the projects they will carry out. They will be laying down tile, painting, and installing a kitchen. They will be videotaping the creation of mandala gardens. And many other tiny things like Solar
lights. And celebrating the Christmas party at the Suubi center and the two Lilly Avenue stores in Kampala. We will need a lot of money for these needs. You can find ways to give on our website.
Thank you.
