It's Friday and I am asking you to pray for Suubi Teen MOPS in Uganda.
We want to thank God, especially for all of you who take the time to pray for us. One of our Lilly Avenue stores moved to a new location. The old store flooded two times. It ruined merchandise. The store owner did nothing to prevent the damage. So we had to pay 6 months of rent as a deposit for the new location. Please pray it's a thriving location for the women. They all graduated from our sewing school. Lilly Avenue is owned and operated by them. And it is a struggle to get off the ground, but it does provide rent and some of their needs. We really need to see them succeed. In April 2023 they will receive business training from the Street Business school. This is a giant gift. I need to remind myself of how much is happening!
Juergen and Nicole travel to Uganda in just over a week, on December 3. So far the Ebola situation is under control. The actual risk to them is tiny. Please pray for us as we prepare for their trip. It's especially a big priority for them to see firsthand the progress that has been made at the center. And they wish to build up the leadership that is there. They will evaluate what needs to happen in 2023. And there is a giant list of projects they will help carry out. Finishing the kitchen, painting, building mandala gardens, and throwing Christmas parties for the women and kids. They will bring home the report cards and updated photos of our sponsorship kids.
I talk with the Ugandan water project next week about moving forward with the well. Hopefully, they can do the survey when Juergen is at the center. We still need 4000 dollars to build the well. We really hope people will support this project. It is something that would bless this community for perhaps generations. People die from a lack of water. Girls walk for hours a day to fetch water. Sometimes they are unable to attend school. Sometimes they are attacked and raped. Crops fail for lack of water. We plan to make water available to the community if we have a well. It's an opportunity that will bring so much good. We pray people will get behind the project. HERE IS THE PROJECT Juergen meets with the FeG Heidelberg tonight. The missions board is making our project an official church project. We are grateful for this support. On Monday Jurgen meets with an NGO in Spyer. They will be raising money in January to provide our center with solar panels. We are really grateful for the support. Many exciting things are happening. But the daily stuff like food and rent are not being funded. Juergen sent the December budget and it emptied our bank account. The good news is we had enough money to cover the bills. But we have nothing to meet the bills that are coming up. There is no reserve. So please pray God will fill the needs ahead. We especially need additional support for food and rent. We also need 48 more sponsorship families to make it possible to send all our kids back to school. You can read more about sponsorship on our website
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