Day 28 is your one big thing day

Day 28 is your one big thing day.  We are to choose one thing we have always wanted to do and do it.

One of the moms earns up to 3 dollars a day selling porridge

I already said my one big thing would be to send the money for 3 teen Moms in Kampala to go to tailoring school. I managed to raise the money to do this.  But I received the bad news. The women would be required to take written tests at the school.  None of these women have ever gone to school.  Most cannot even write their own names.  So the traditional school was closed to them.  But our MOPS leadership team in Kampala found a private person willing to teach the women how to tailor cloths.  And the good news is it is less expensive.  So we are now sending 5 women to school.  They begin next week.  I sent the money.  The school will be paid today.  And God willing these 5 women will learn a marketable skill.  A skill that will give them the money they need to support their own kids through school.  It is a step out of poverty.  They are responsible for where they go, and how they take advantage of this opportunity.  But it is one big is incomprehensibly big.  I cry with gratitude.  In the teen MOPS group in Kampala there are 15 more women who also wait for some way out of poverty. This maybe the end of the 28 day challenge, but I will not stop working towards this goal.  And I welcome any donation you may want to add.  We accept pay pal, cash, or money on gofund me.   Thank you for following me this month.  It has been fun!  I’m glad I took the trip. 
