Last night the president of Uganda announced a 6-week lockdown beginning today. No warning. No time to prepare. Our sewing schools must close. Our women who worked in the marketplace are again unemployed. And the poor will suffer much more from this solution than anyone can begin to imagine. I feel so shocked and sad. But we can not just sit down and die. We have to keep our heads...and we have to respond productively. Our women can sew and make soap. So I just need to find people who sponsor them to sew facemasks and make soap. If you know us, we never just give them money. We have them use their skills. I'm certain they will be glad to sew masks at home in exchange for food and rent. I'm going to ask people to give generously to sponsor Covid kits for the community. When life hands you lemons you make lemon aid. Each kit will have 2 facemasks and a bar of handmade soap. It will be handed out in the Kampala slums. And we ask for a donation of 10Euro/12 USD. The profits will go to pay food and rent for our moms and their children (about 100 people) during this new lockdown. I feel like a broken record. I really apologize. We have tried so hard to have them again support themselves. And they finally began to pay for their own rent. The circumstances are so disheartening. But no time to morn. Right now I need to find people who can help us get through this present lockdown. And our women will channel all their skills into supporting the community.
And direct bank deposit (your donation is tax-deductible in Germany)
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Hoffnung für Uganda e.V.
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For more information about Suubi Teen MOPS please see our website. We are a licensed NGO and CBO that provides vocational skills and provides practical support for teenage mothers and their children. Our goal is to pull them out of poverty and help them use their skills to positively impact their community.
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