It's Friday and I am asking you to pray for Suubi Teen MOPS in Uganda.
Oh, look at the time! I honestly thought today was Thursday. I am so sorry about not writing this earlier. I was sitting at dinner and my family was talking about weekend plans. I am thinking what? Don't you work tomorrow? I guess the days have gotten away from me. That is what happens when you are so focused. And that's what I am. From morning to night all I do is research about everything to do with the new Suubi center. We had men hunting giant rats with spears near the land. The men clearing the land found very deadly snakes this week. The entire land is infested with termites. And the entire time I am wondering what can we can we build to make this a safe place for women and children. How can we build it so the termites don't destroy it? How can we build it in a way that is both affordable and sustainable? And how can we create a place that has enough commercial success that it can support the program long term? Because I am turning 60 this week. I can not raise funds forever. It's a big project. A giant challenge. So far it's not totally overwhelming. But I do admit it comes close to being too much. And when I feel overwhelmed, I back up and ask myself to take one step at a time. At the end of the day, I don't know how we can possibly do this on such a tiny budget. We got bids this week from the contractors. And we can not afford their prices. So on top of planning what the center looks like, I know we will need to actually go to Uganda and do a lot of the work ourselves. I know the women will help, but they don't have the confidence to do it without help. So I fully expect to be organizing two or three missions teams in April at Easter time, and June and August. We will need help building foundations in April and walls in June and August. God willing we will have gotten rid of the snakes, built toilets, built a well and garden, made bricks, and much more before we ask teams to come. We can offer you a tent and food, and a ride from the airport. But you will have to get your own visa, vaccinations for yellow fever, and Covid (it's necessary for tourists to be vaccinated) and pay your own way. You need to come expecting to get your hands dirty. You need to be flexible and a team player. And you will be doing work. ..but work that will last. I am telling you now because I believe God will call some of you to come to Uganda for two weeks in 2022. Pray God will give us the help we need to do so much more than anyone ever thought or imagined.
We are still looking for two stores in Kampala. Pray, we find locations for the two LILLY Avenue stores.
Many of the women and children have a cough and flu. It's most likely Covid. Pray they all recover well.
Money has been sent for new dolls and baskets to be made. We are replacing dolls we sent to a fair trade store in the US. They never arrived. But pray they arrive and we can sell the dolls being made now. That would be a real blessing.
11 women and their children plan to move to our new location. We have gotten 2 sponsors to help them pay the 6 months Rental deposit in the new location. That deposit is 150 euros/175 USD. We need 9 more Rental deposit donors. These 11 women plan to build the market gardens and so much more. They need support to move out of the slums. Each woman needs 150 euro/ 175USD. You can find ways to donate on our website.
I turn 60 this week. I am so happy to be planning the new Suubi center. We want 100 to 200 chickens, catfish, coffee beans, bananas, a giant market garden, herbs, tree bamboo, and more. Suubi has to earn enough money to pay for the school. And eventually, they will have groups of teenage and single mothers live there for 9 months to a year for free. And they will gain skills. And we hope to launch them into the world to live better lives with brighter futures. It probably will take 12 months to 18 months before we can invite the first students to come. But in the meantime, they will be building housing and growing food. Getting ready! We need so much help. And we need prayer! Most of the photos are ideas. In the video, you can see the rat hunters and the new fence that was built around the property. They also planted the entire perimeter of the property with tree bamboo. In 5 years you will see a wall of bamboo! The last photo is of my daughter Nicole building our greenhouse 9 years ago. It's made of earth plaster, bottles, and brick. It's still standing. And it looks great! We need people who are willing to try!
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