How should we serve the poor

Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for ME. Matthew 25:45. Did you know that Jesus looks at the way we treat people and regards it as the same way we treat HIM? We live in a very shallow and self-centered world where it’s easy to flatter and pander to those in the position of power, Status, and wealth.  But Jesus showed a different way.  His focus was on the blind, the poor, the widow and orphans, the sick, the paralyzed, the sinful tax collector and prostitutes. In other words, the “Nobodies “the very people who were ostracized, ignored or rejected by society. The Lord asks us to go to the least and serve them as if we were serving HIM. How should we serve Jesus? As our Lord and King.....So how should we serve the least? As if we were serving the greatest, a King no less. Jesus doesn't want us to do our best to serve the great and mighty. Only to throw our crumbs, to the poor. And that includes spiritually poor. He wants us to love and honor them and in doing so, love and honor HIM. What a noble calling.
-Sylivia Nantango
The coordinator of the Teen MOPS group in Kampala
